
If Americans Knew

A US website with a massive amount of information, facts more than opinion, opening with a 12 point click and read as an information summary, with a link to the full website

During the past fiscal year, the U.S. is providing Israel with at least $10.7 million per day in military aid and $0.73 million per day in foreign aid to the Palestinians.


B’Tselem (in Hebrew literally: in the image of), the name chosen for the organization by the late Member of Knesset Yossi Sarid, is an allusion to Genesis 1:27:

“And God created humankind in His image. In the image of God did He create them.”

The name expresses the universal and Jewish moral edict to respect and uphold the human rights of all people.

Israel’s regime of apartheid and occupation is inextricably bound up in human rights violations.

B’Tselem strives to end this regime, as that is the only way forward to a future in which human rights, democracy, liberty and equality are ensured to all people, both Palestinian and Israeli, living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.



The World Future Fund is a research institute for the study of global future trends – this link addresses one section of the website – the Death Toll from Modern American Wars


Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions – a Jerusalem based organisation trying to prevent Israeli demolition of Palestinian homes and re-build homes already demolished

Declassified Australia